Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to ME!

My newest boy couldn't wait until Mother's day for his surprise. This morning I had both boys in my room with me. Linus was watching a show and Owen was crawling around the bed, and I must admit I was trying to read just a few more pages in a Jane Austen biography. Owen got a little fussy so in an attempt to buy myself a few more minutes of respite, I handed Owen a sorry excuse for a Pride and Prejudice sequel. I don't know if he was trying to throw it down, or trying to hand it back to me... all I know is that I saw a flash of light, and felt a whole lot of pain.
I got out of bed and went down to show Andy the bump and little red mark on the side of my eye. It really hurt but I thought I was just being a wimp. I iced it for a few minutes, but the ice gave me a head ache, and again I thought I was just being a wimp. Really, how much damage can a paper back book do in the hands of a one year old.
I continued on with my day. No giving my eye another thought. I happened to pass a mirror about two hours later...
And this is what greeted me. I can't wait to show my face at work. I am certain there will be no end to the wife beater jokes.

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