Friday, May 15, 2009

Ants in Our Pants

This past month we encountered our first large black carpenter ant scurrying across our floor Linus named him "Togo," and was quite sad when he disappeared. Unfortunately, our new friend not only wore out his welcome but invited about 150 of his closest friends and family to the party. We soon found ourselves in a covert war of vacuum cleaners, exoskeletons, and tissues. At first we carefully caught and released each ant outside, but as the inundation continued and grew more troubling, we started vacuuming them up in mass. My favorite technique while the boys were looking on involved smashing them in a tissue and then pretending to take them outside "to be with their friends," and tossing the tissue in the garbage.
After about two weeks of ant killing I think we can officially declare VICTORY! Take that you unnaturally large creepy ants...and if you ever come back....

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