Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Glimpse of the Future

This weekend we had Andy's family here for Thanksgiving...which meant that Linus had his cousins (Grace 6, Abby 4, and Leia 8 weeks). Linus couldn't have been more excited as he awaited their arrival daily. Every time the door bell rang he would shriek, "Its Grace and Abby!!!" When the knock final came, our boy ran off with his two cousins and wasn't seen or heard from for two days. Sure we got an occasional one word answer or coerced hug, but it was very clear that our day had passed. We were not solicited to play trains, or to color, to watch him do a dance. No, Grace's was the only opinion that mattered any longer. This is when it came to me, we were experiencing a very small dose of what we will experience when Linus goes to school, and (heaven forbid) becomes a teenager.
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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Our Big Fat White Trash Thanksgiving

This year Andy decided to deep fry our turkey, and it turned out pretty well.
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Monday, November 24, 2008

Just Another Monday

6:45 am: Woke up worried that my sick baby didn't wake me in the night...maybe I miss dosed his his cold medicine and depressed his breathing...
--No worries baby and boy up up sniffling and coughing
7:05 chop bananas, wash grapes, slop yougurt on to tray, heat up baby food, make bottle feed boys.
7:30 Clean up after breakfast, try to pick up house a little
8:15 Change diaper, realize Linus is still wearing pull up-yuck. Try to get the boys dressed, decide its too much trouble.
9:00 Put Owen down for a nap. Play with Linus, take a shower, check my e-mail, and various other form of electronic spying.
10:30 Owen awake. Decide dog looks scruffy, start shaving her on a whim...decide she needs a bath too.
11:00 Get boys dressed.
11:45 Make boys lunch: heat baby food, make bottle, cut apples, wash grapes, cut up banana, put peanut butter on crackers, shred cheese and call it good.
12:15 Sit Linus on toilet for daily poop reading...success after 3 books. Give Lollipop reward
12:30 Change poopy diaper, clean brown lolipop gunk off couch.
12:40 Let boys play for a while, play a little Thomas with Linus
1:30 Put boys down for naps
2:00 Finish shaving Lucy and give her a bath.
2:45 Soaking wet, but have a clean dog...throw on a pair of sweats and leave on hairy t-shirt...realize you've become a frumpy sweat mom.
3:23 Hear Owen crying and leave blog post unfinished and un-spell checked to start the business of Monday yet again...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Our Family

On Monday one of our friends volunteered to take some pictures of our family... so here they are. We think they turned out pretty well.

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These Two Brothers

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Portland Trip: Our Accomodations

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Things I Never Thought I Would Hear Myself Say...

The other day it occurred to me that I get to say and hear a cacophony a hilarious things during my life as a mother. I often try to make a mental note of these little exchanges but in the business of changing diapers and cutting things into toddle bite sizes they are often forgotten. So I thought I would make a list of funny sayings here on my here goes:

No Linus! We don't use tweezers to eat yogurt (11.13.08 said by me)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cousins: old and new

This was the best picture I was able to get of all the cousins...Grace, Owen, Linus, Abby, and Leia

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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ready to Ride

We went to Portland last week to visit Linus's new cousin Leah... and as usual Linus and Lucy were ready to go. Of course Lucy had to stay home, and Linus had to forfeit his trunk seating for something a little more legal.
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