Friday, October 31, 2008

Pumpkin Party

Every year our church puts on a "Pumpkin Party." Its a great outreach to the community because without exception the weather seems to get really chilly right in time for Halloween. Last year when we took Linus he didn't have the slightest idea what candy was. When the people would offer it to him he would take it graciously and then try to throw it throw hoops, rings, or whatever looked appropriate. This year was a different story...unfortunately he some how decided that lollipops are the worlds greatest candy so instead of a bag full of chocolate for his parents to raid we have only a plethora of dumb dumbs and an occasional tootsie pop.

Grandpa Bob and Grandma Cece came to take the boys to the party since I had to work and Andy was busy organizing volunteers at the Pumpkin Party.
Our Little Monkey and Banana Brother

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I don't think that is your father? Whenever we go shopping Linus inevitably runs up to manikins (heads optional) and tries to hold their hands. Andy caught it on his phone this time.
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Monday, October 27, 2008

Linus and the Great Pumpkin

We we to the pumpkin patch on Monday...and we were a little disapointed. To start off we arrived about an hour before it actually opened. After killing time for an our in a town full of batteries we drove back out to the pumpkin patch to find our camera was dead, then to add insult to injury it seemed that every pumpkin in the field were pumpkins spread as far as one could see were rotten rotten rotten. Yuck! We made the best of it and enjoyed one of the last warm fall days!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Andy's Super Pseudo Sophisticated Surprise Party

Andy turned 30 and in honor of his passage from young to "middle aged" we surprise with with a pretentious party that poked fun at being old and snobby.

Andy's Birthday backpack being modeled by the lovely Ryan.

Our most festive couples...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Linus Quote of the Day:

"I want more booties!"

Andy and I: "I'm sorry we don't eat booty for breakfast..."

Linus: "Pleeeaaase, I need more booties..." Which quickly turned into whining and pleading for booty. If we hadn't been laughing so hard we probably would have put him on the naughty spot.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Uncertain Beginnings

So, I've decided to blog...inspired by the crafty projects, snappy layouts, and adorable pictures of all my friends who seem to have their lives in such a manageable position as to allow them to sit down in front of their computer for fifteen minutes. However, the thing that pushed me from bloyer, to conceptual to the concrete was that I recently read a book full of the diaries and letters of emmigrant women on the trail to Oregon and California. They were so telling of life at that time, and many in just a few brief lines painted a vivid picture of their lives and struggles. Suddenly it occurred to me that if a pregnant mother of seven traveling in a covered wagon in the desert can manage to write a few lines every few days, I should find time in my life to do the same (though my life is certainly less interesting)
I have selected my name with care (or at least I spent way too long looking for a title that some how described my life and wasn't taken), picked out a generic background, and reset my password at least four times because so much time has elapsed between when I meant to start blogging to the present inaugural post. I have been cataloging interesting things in my brain for so long that I hardly know where to this is it.