Owen got sick first. He started throwing up every time we put him down for a nap which translated into me having to wash his blankets four times in a 24 hour period and to bath him that same number of times.
The next day Linus starting getting a really awful cough and runny nose along with a fever. Today Owen hasn't thrown up just diarrhea diapers a few times and his nose has started to run. Neither of the boys have been napping well, and they haven't slept at the same time for three days during which time I have also been sick.
I feel like I am about to lose it...
Now time to Rant:
Both my children got sick suspicious two days after having been in the church nursery. Tell me, Who are these evil parents who care so little about other peoples' children that they stick their children who have been throwing up and having diarrhea in the nursery. Seriously!!! Or who puts their toddler in Sunday school with a fever and cough that racks their whole body.
I can't tell you how many times I have repeated this cycle. Go to church or some other public place...two days later kids fall deathly ill. Stay home, deal with cranky irritable kids, miss work, pump kids full of juice and pedialite for two weeks, go nowhere. Then finally they are well enough to leave the house...hurray! No more cabin fever...for two more days until we repeat the same cycle all over again.
1 comment:
Freaking irresponsible parents!! I hate them!!!!!!!!!
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