It is a well known fact that Linus love trains, and since Thomas and his "cheeky" little engine friends seem to have a monopoly on the toy train industry we have embraced their wacky antics. For those of you who have had the "privilege" of viewing one the the countless poor quality videos with tangential plot lines and questionable moral content, you know that they are irresistible to the average toddler. There are a host of "cheeky engines," who are constantly getting miffed or "cross" with each other in their quest to be "really useful engines." If you haven't watched any of Thomas videos I would suggest starting the journey with "Ten Years of Thomas." I will gladly give you our copy. You will get a smattering of grimy inarticulate children and their parents spouting Thomas propaganda sandwiched between grainy Thomas episodes-delightful!
Okay, all cynicism aside, our boy loves his trains and it has been so fun to watch his play blossom in creativity with his little trains. It started with a lot of assistance from adults in building tracks on the floor, then last year when Owen was born we got a train table at a garage sale. This has been the one enduring toy that Linus never tires of. Each time we come to get him up in the morning he runs out to his trains. If we change his tracks or set up new people or animals while he is napping we are greeted with the chorus of "Oh my goodness.... My Special Tracks....Oh, I love it!" when he emerges from his room. As he has aged his trains and their relationships have become more complex...sometimes they crash, or tell each other they are not being nice, sometimes they hit things on the track and still other times they rescue each other.
For about the last month each morning Linus informs us of what engine we will be. Not surprisingly he is usually Thomas. Owen is always Percy. I am most often James but when I try to convince Linus to let me be a girl engine I am often demoted to Cranky the railroad crane and forced to lift Linus and his toys out of countless predicaments until my back is aching. Andy is usually Toby or Gordon on a good day.
What makes me laugh about this game is that we continue in character throughout the day. If I accidentally call him by his name I am quickly corrected. Linus seamlessly weaves the imaginary into reality. If I want him to take a bath I tell him we are going to the bath station where all useful engines need to get a proper wash down. If Owen gets into his things Linus (or I should say Thomas) will Shriek..."James!! Move Percy he is getting my stuff." He doesn't even change rolls when whining. Today when we came home from church the house was a mess (as it often is-I know shocking), and Linus asked me who made the mess. I told him the "Percy" did it. Laughing he slapped the palm of his hand to his forehead and responded "oh no Percy you can't make a mess, you are making me a very cross engine! I am a very cross Thomas!"

1 comment:
Why are there no comments!?!? I thoroughly enjoyed this description of Linus and his imaginary/real world of Thomas. Linus is a hoot! I hope Trenton is as creative as Linus someday! :)
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