Saturday, January 31, 2009
Slobber Buckets
I realize this is a random milestone to mark but it must be documented none the less. When Linus was a baby I would often see other mother's with bibs on their babies all the time and I would scoff...why on earth would you purposefully cover up a cute baby outfit with a frumpy bib: not my child. I suspect God heard my prideful heart and sent me my sweet little drool baby. The child could drool through a fresh onsie before I had it over his head.
But I believe that we are officially past the drool stages. He still slobbers an unnatural quantity but I think I can begin to pack away those unsightly bibs that never quite matched his outfits.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Linus Turns Three
On the day of the party we moved the dining room table out and pushed the couches to the side of the room, then we set up a bunch of stations. We had two train tables. A reading corner with lots of train books, a coloring table with train coloring pages and craft supplies for making train tunnels out of shoe boxes (which no one did) and we also had a Thomas pop up tent. We had adult food on the counter (with an electric train circling it), and then we set up a low table with kid snacks ( fruit, pb&j, juice, raisins, goldfish, and sippy cups). We didn't plan any games since most of the kids were too young. There were enough things to do that the kids just wandered from one station (no pun intended) to the next and for the most part the adults were able just to sit back and visit.
Disclaimer: This may or may not be my party description...I may have just cut and pasted from a party site :)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Cross Little Engine

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Perfect Parenting
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Rock Stars
Friday, January 16, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Sick Day
Owen got sick first. He started throwing up every time we put him down for a nap which translated into me having to wash his blankets four times in a 24 hour period and to bath him that same number of times.
The next day Linus starting getting a really awful cough and runny nose along with a fever. Today Owen hasn't thrown up just diarrhea diapers a few times and his nose has started to run. Neither of the boys have been napping well, and they haven't slept at the same time for three days during which time I have also been sick.
I feel like I am about to lose it...
Now time to Rant:
Both my children got sick suspicious two days after having been in the church nursery. Tell me, Who are these evil parents who care so little about other peoples' children that they stick their children who have been throwing up and having diarrhea in the nursery. Seriously!!! Or who puts their toddler in Sunday school with a fever and cough that racks their whole body.
I can't tell you how many times I have repeated this cycle. Go to church or some other public place...two days later kids fall deathly ill. Stay home, deal with cranky irritable kids, miss work, pump kids full of juice and pedialite for two weeks, go nowhere. Then finally they are well enough to leave the house...hurray! No more cabin fever...for two more days until we repeat the same cycle all over again.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Once a Decade
So, my baby sister bought me a ticket for Christmas and we went up on Monday. The conditions were a little icy but the day was beautiful clear and ridiculously warm. We were actually way over dressed. It was great fun.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Guetto Birthday
Today was Linus' 3rd Birthday. I can't believe he is that old. Andy was in Portland for his Ministry Class, so I was left to my own devices in figuring out how to celebrate (we are going to have a party for him later this month so I will save my sentimental posts for later). I made him some not too stellar cup cakes, and Hannah and I took him to Pappy's Pizza for dinner. He spent the entire time holding a germ infested gun pretending to shoot unsuspecting wildlife on some weird hunting game.
When we got home I couldn't even find a proper birthday candle...