Friday, October 31, 2008

Pumpkin Party

Every year our church puts on a "Pumpkin Party." Its a great outreach to the community because without exception the weather seems to get really chilly right in time for Halloween. Last year when we took Linus he didn't have the slightest idea what candy was. When the people would offer it to him he would take it graciously and then try to throw it throw hoops, rings, or whatever looked appropriate. This year was a different story...unfortunately he some how decided that lollipops are the worlds greatest candy so instead of a bag full of chocolate for his parents to raid we have only a plethora of dumb dumbs and an occasional tootsie pop.

Grandpa Bob and Grandma Cece came to take the boys to the party since I had to work and Andy was busy organizing volunteers at the Pumpkin Party.
Our Little Monkey and Banana Brother

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