Saturday, July 4, 2009

Poopers at the Pet Parade

My lovely boys having a lovely time at the parade!

So this wasn't the best 4th of July ever. Owen has been sick, so the morning started out with a cranky baby who screamed every time I attempted to extricate myself from his iron grip or really any time I did anything he didn't approve of. Despite this we thought we would attend our favorite annual Bend event the "Pet Parade." We are usually really careful get there early so we can find a parking spot, and then a shady spot where we can sit and watch the parade. Well, we were late, it was ridiculously hot, and Owen was ridiculously grumpy. We had to park obscenely far away and then hoof it with the kids up to the parade route. By the time we found a semi shady spot we were sweaty, Owen's face was rashy, and we were restricting our communication to one word angry answers. The boys were not as thrilled by dogs and bikes as we felt they should be and to everyone's disapointment there were not nearly as many chickens in wagons this year. We decided to cut our losses and get home. Owen screamed all the way back to the car (attracting judgmental stares from, parade watchers, bike riders, dog owners, and even a few of the dogs), and then proceeded to scream all the way home in the car as well.

The real story

(Also, on a follow up note from my previous post...Lucy did not get laughed at during the pet parade this year, mostly because we were running so late, we didn't want to deal with her and left her home. Just one more way the day went wrong)

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