Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Aftermath!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Tennis Lessons
The boys got me a tennis racket for mother's day so Andy and I went to play on Tuesday afternoon during nap time. As soon as word got out where we'd been all the kids were dying to play tennis. On Wednesday we picked up a a couple of $3 thrift store racket ball rackets for the kids while we were in Sisters, and on Wednesday evening after dinner and after much pleading and begging we FINALLY took the kids to play.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Pool Parties
Some pictures of our pool adventures. The highlight of each day was going to the pool and fighting with the other soccer moms over lounge chairs around the kiddie pool. Times have changed, or I guess more accurately bodies increased (as in having babies) and declined (as in having babies stretching).
We had fun though. It was interesting to see how different the boys personalities are. Linus is always cautious. We could drag him into the big pool but two minutes later he would be saying..."let's go back to the little pool..." He played their safely and contentedly for hours. Owen on the other hand went charging into the little pool. Like crawling around the little pool which made me quite nervous, and loved "jumping" into the big pool. I think he would never have gotten out if we didn't make him.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Abby, Grace, Leia, Linus, and Owen ready to go to the pool
Owen and Leia
Way too early in the morning...its becoming apparent that these kids do NOT sleep in on vacation!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Bike Rides at Black Butte
If there is one thing the folks like to do at Black Butte its ride their bikes. This year we came prepared. Rather than pay more than $30 a day to rent a trailer we asked around and borrowed one from a friend. We also brought our kid seat, so we were ready. On the boys first ride out Linus fell asleep almost immediately. He kept leaning over on to Owen who did not appreciate being leaned on and would shriek each time they turned right.
Kickin' Our Feet Up
The view from the deck
Andy's idea of a vacation involves internet access of course! But at least he had to be outside to pick up the wireless signal.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Here's Some Advice For Ya

I am often at a loss as to what to write about in my
blog. When I first started blogging I was hoping to create a nostalgic sentimental little narrative. Unfortunately, as I look back on my posts I am afraid that my voice is much more sarcastic than sentimental. I confess that I enjoy laughing at
life's little ironies. I would love to be more disciplined, and more interesting and therefore be able to blog every day(okay let's be realistic: every other day) but this would involve coming up with some regular topics of interest to my faithful followers or at the very least entertaining...and let me tell you my Mom and sister are difficult to please!I was pondering these difficult questions when it hit me! I will use my blog to pass on all the useful and not so useful tidbits of advice I have been handed down over the years or gleaned from my extensive reading a research. I will become the John Tesh of the blogging world (please infer grandiose tone). I will badger the blogging world on everything from parenting to garden planting!
The only thing that remains to be done is to come up with a catchy title for my admonitions. Any Suggestions? Here are just a few of the possibilities that I have been kicking around:
Suggestions for Saturdays
Two Cents Tuesdays
Free Advice Fridays
Give Me My Business Mondays
Tips for Tuesdays
What to do Wednesdays
Cast your votes, or speak your piece and I may or may not take your advice
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Summer Projects
The final result. The only thing I ended up having to pay for was new drawer pulls...which were $5. It made me sad to pay as much for them as I did for the entire dresser but sacrifices must be made.