Here are a few things that made me laugh today:
- Today when I went to Walmart. I parked 2 rows and seven spots away from the entrance. It was not a terribly busy day, and some one had the absurdity to wait for my spot. They sat patiently as I unloaded my purchases, buckled two children into their carseats, and returned my cart. I can say with confidence that had they parked in the very last spot at the edge of the lot they would have made it to the entrance before they did waiting for me.
- While driving on the parkway, some crazy minivan turned right (illegally) on to the parkway from a side street, driving over the sidewalk in the process. What they didn't realize was that they were infringing on the craziness of yet another minivan that was trying to do something illegal as well by running the light. Luckily, for both crazy soccer mom's the second minivan swerved just in time. I was left to trying to ponder who would have been at fault had they collided?...the one turning illegally and driving on the sidewalk or the the one running the red light?
- Not related but more funny to me was coming down stairs to find Linus covered in postage stamps.
1 comment:
Did you get a photo of that one? Maybe he was trying to send himself to me :)
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