Grandparents are important, Great grandparents are worth braving airplane travel to see. Made it onto the plane by the seat of my pants toting two boys and a car seat up the ramp and on to the plane...before the end of the flight my palms were sweaty and the my pant seat was soaking thanks to a strategic kick from Owen and a tall glass of ice water. The man behind me said he didn't mind and his shoes were only a bit wet. The Horizon Q400 a trusty twin prop plane as long and it avoids ice. The quarters were a bit cramped. Just two smallish seats on each side of the aisle. Trying to retrieve things from under the seat in front of you is made nearly impossible when you have an infant in your lap and an over sized carseat on your right. Completely impossible when the baby falls asleep. Turbulence- I don't hate turbulence, I just dislike crashing. The lady behind me isn't faking it for her kids, and lets out of few choice words. Owen sleeps, Linus plays with his plane and holds up Little Dinosaur so he can see out the window. We start descending ears are popping. Landing gear goes down, wings wobble. "You can do it! You can do it" cheers Linus. Bump we are on the ground and I stop gripping Owen. "We Made it!" Squeals Linus. I take a deep "safe on the ground" breath and smile my agreement. Everyone files off the plane. The flight crew begins cleaning. Trash bags come out blankets go up. We're still aboard, trash, food bits, toys strewn about must be repacked and transported off the plane. Helpful flight attendants reassure. Owen in front pack, back pack on, kid leash on Linus, carseat over shoulder and we are off!
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