Sunday, April 26, 2009


Last night we had some friends over for dinner. I went up stairs to get the kids ready for bed while Andy stayed downstairs. I took Linus to the bathroom, and then started to change Owen into his Pajamas. Linus ran to the top of the stairs and shrieked: "DADDY I WENT POOP POOHS! I ATE CORN!"
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Monday, April 20, 2009

Gerber Baby?


Maybe NOT!

Oh Well, I made my own baby food anyway... I'm too cheap to have a Gerber baby.
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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Of Machines and Messes...

Andy picked me up this beauty at this years youth garage sale. Its a little rusty around the edges but it still blends (maybe a little too well). It was missing its bowl and utensils (probably why it was in the garage sale) but Andy put my mother in law on the job of finding utensils, and not a week later she just happened to mention it to an acquaintance who just happened to have an extra bowl, whisk, and mixing arm.

Needless to say I am still getting the hang of actually keeping some of flour in the bowl. Linus was just waking up from his nap when I started to add the flower to a batch of cookies. I picked him up to show him how great my new mixer worked and flipped the switch. We were instantly engulfed it a cloud of powder...when the flour dust finally settled we surveyed the damage, and Linus informed me that I needed to clean up my mess.

Random Postscript: As I was pondering my new mixer I started thinking that there are a couple different kinds of appliance people out there. There are those who use the cheap $10 hand mixer and never realize their counter has been longing for a heavy industrial mixer to whip their baking projects into shape, and there are those who couldn't live without them. Along these divides are the toaster oven, and the toaster people. My people were of the toaster and cheap mixer persuasion...Andy's people love their toaster ovens almost as much as their kitchen aid mixers. I guess my marriage has moved me over to the dark side of kitchen cluttering monstrosities. I gave away the toaster a couple years ago, and our mixer just died. I choose to believe that in this area (like every other area ;) ) I am practicing perfect submission to my husbands the kitchen???

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009


As Linus was running across the yard the plastic egg he was carrying popped open and the yellow peep inside fell out onto the ground. "My egg hatched!" he exclaimed.

Owen was content to shake the eggs until he discovered that what was inside was edible.

Here are the boys surveying their plunder. Linus was helping my mom put out candy while we hid the eggs in the back yard. When he came out of the den we told him that the Easter bunny hopped through the yard and left him eggs... He was really excited!

We finished the day with what we affectionately called a Ghetto Easter dinner. Andy chose out center piece which was an Apollo Creed Action figure perched on a model horse. We had lamb, 2 minute fake mashed potatoes, Pillsbury croissants from a can, asparagus, and jello... delicious!